to Indonesian

NO. 647/MPP/Kep/10/2004





In view of:


Presidential Instruction No. 3/2002 on efforts to overcome misuse and illegal distribution of narcotics, psychotropic, precursor and other additives;


To stipulate:


Article 1

Referred to in this decree as:

Article 2

(1) Kinds of precursor as meant in Article 1 point 1 shall be contained in Attachment I to this decree.

(2) The precursor as meant in paragraph (1) only can be imported by companies already securing recognition as IP-Precursor or appointment as IT-Precursor.

(3) The procedures for importing precursor as meant in paragraph (1) used for the need of pharmaceutical industries shall be stipulated separately by the Minister of Health.

Article 3

(1) Recognition as IP-Precursor as meant in Article 2 paragraph (2) shall be stipulated by Dirjen DAGLU.

(2) In order to secure recognition as IP-Precursor as meant in paragraph (1), companies shall submit written application to Dirjen DAGLU by enclosing the following documents:

(3) Based on the written applications of the companies as meant in paragraph (2), Dirjen DAGLU issues approval or rejection of recognition as [P-Precursor not later than 15 (fifteen) working days as from the date of receipt of applications.

(4) The model of document of recognition as IP-Precursor shall be as contained in Attachment II to this decree.

Article 4

(1) The recognition as IP-Precursor as meant in Article 3 shall cover the validity period of recognition of IP Precursor, country of origin, destination port, quantity and kinds of precursor which can be imported.

(2) IP-Precursor as meant in paragraph (1) shall be issued by observing capacity and production plan for one year.

(3) Companies already securing recognition as IP-Precursor only can import precursor solely for the need of production of their industries and shall be prohibited from trading and/or transferring the imported precursor.

Article 5

(1) Recognition as IP-Precursor as meant in Article 3 shall be effective for one year at the maximum and can be extended.

(2) Recognition as IP-Precursor as meant in paragraph (1) shall be declared null and void unless it is extended.

Article 6

(1) Companies already securing recognition as IP-Precursor shall submit written report to Dirjen DAGLU in this case the Director of Import, Ministry of Industry and Trade every month on the realization of the import and use of precursor not later than the 15th of the ensuing month with a copy made available to Dirjen IKAH, Head of BNN and Kabareskrim POLRI.

(2) The model of the written report of companies already securing recognition as IP-Precursor shall be as contained in Attachment III to this decree.

Article 7

(1) The appointment as IT-Precursor as meant in Article 2 paragraph (2) shall be stipulated by Dirjen DAGI-U.

(2) In order to secure recognition as IT-Precursor as meant in paragraph (1), companies shall submit written application to Dirjen DAGLU by enclosing the following documents:

(3) Based on the written applications of the companies as meant in paragraph (2), Dirjen DAGLU issues approval or rejection of recognition as IT-Precursor riot later than 15 (fifteen) working days as from the date of receipt of applications.

(4) The model of document of recognition as IP-Precursor shall be as contained in Attachment IV to this decree.

Article 8

(1) The appointment as IT-Precursor as meant in Article 7 shall be effective for 3 (three) years at the maximum and can be extended.

(2) The appointment as IT-Precursor as meant in paragraph (1) shall be declared null and void unless it is extended.

Article 9

(1) Companies already securing the appointment as IT Precursor only can import precursor to be distributed directly, without middlemen, to industrial end-users.

(2) Industrial end-users obtaining precursor from IT-Precursors as meant in paragraph (1) only shall use the precursor as raw material/auxiliary material of their production and be prohibited from trading and/or transferring it to other parties.

Article 10

(1) Upon importing precursor, IT-Precursor shall secure import approval first from Dirjen DAGLU, which covers the validity period of import approval, quantity and kinds of precursors, name of exporter, country of origin and destination port.

(2) The import approval as meant in paragraph (1) shall be stipulated by Dirjen DAGLU on the basis of recommendation of Kabareskrim POLRI and Head of BNN.

(3) The model of document of import approval of precursor shall be as contained in Attachment V to this decree.

Article 11

(1) Companies already securing appointment as IT-Precursor shall submit written report to Dirjen DAGLU in this case the Director of Import, Ministry of Industry and Trade every month on the realization of the import and distribution of precursor not later than the 15th of the ensuing month with a copy made available to Dirjen IKAH, Head of the Food and Drug Supervisory Board, Head of BNN and Kabareskrim POLRI.

(2) The model of the written report of companies already securing appointment as IT-Precursor shall be as contained in Attachment VI to this decree.

Article 12

(1) The import of precursor by IP-Precursor and IT-Precursor as meant in Article 2 paragraphs (7) and (3) shall be subjected first to verification or technical surveillance in countries where the goods are loaded.

(2) The verification or technical surveillance as meant in paragraph (1) shall be done surveyors appointed by the minister, covering examination of name and ad dress of exporter, producing country, classification and HS Number, kinds and technical specifications, chemical composition of precursor and quantity of precursor to be imported.

(3) Results of the verification or technical surveillance already executed by the surveyors as meant in paragraph (2) shall be issued in the form of Surveyor Report (LS) which is used as import document.

(4) In connection with the verification or technical surveillance of the import of precursor, surveyors can collect compensation for service they render from IP Precursor or IT-Precursor.

(5) In order to secure the appointment as executors of verification or technical surveillance of the import of precursor as meant in paragraph (2), surveyors shall meet the following requirements:

(6) The exception from the compulsory verification or technical surveillance of the import of precursor for the need of technology research and development and other purposes only can be granted by the minister or the appointed official on the basis of written consideration from the Head of BNN.

(7) Technical provisions and procedures for the verification or technical surveillance of the import of precursor shall be stipulated by Dirjen DAGtU.

Article 13

The verification or technical surveillance of the import of precursor by the surveyors as meant in Article 12 shall not reduce the authority of the Directorate General of Customs and Excise to undertake customs inspection.

Article 14

Companies already securing:

Article 15

The exception from the provisions in this decree only can be stipulated by the minister.

Article 16

Technical provisions and matters not yet regulated in this decree, shall be stipulated by Dirjen DAGLU.

Article 17

(1) Violation of the provisions in this decree, intentionally or due to negligence, shall be subjected to sanctions in the form of:

(2) The revocation of recognition as IP-Precursor and IT Precursor as meant in paragraph (1) shall be done by Dirjen DAGLU.

(3) As a consequence of the revocation of recognition as IP-Precursor as meant in paragraph (1) letter a, the relevant companies only can submit again applications for securing recognition as IP-Precursor after obtaining written consideration from Dirjen IKAH and Kabareskrim POLRI.

(4) The imposition of sanction of revocation as meant in paragraph (1) shall not reduce the imposed of criminal sanction on the basis of the law in force.

Article 18

The imported precursors not suitable to the provisions in this decree shall be destroyed or re-exported in accordance with the provisions of the law in force.

Article 19

The decree shall come into force one month after the date of stipulation.

For public cognizance, the decree shall be announced by placing it in State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia.

Stipulated in Jakarta
On October 18, 2004

No. 647/MPP/Kep/10/2004
Date : October 18, 2004